Neck Lift Surgery San Jose, CA

The neck is one of the first areas to show signs of aging. While aging should be celebrated, you also deserve to exist in a body that you feel happy and confident in. If that means redefining some features like loose skin, excess fat, and muscle banding, a San Jose neck lift surgery may be the solution for you. When you’re looking to restore a more youthful and contoured neckline, contact Dr. Kirk A. Churukian. We’re dedicated to helping you feel more rejuvenated and self-assured.

Ideal Candidates For Neck Lifts

Also known as a platysmaplasty, neck lift surgery is a great option for people who are noticing signs of aging in their neck area but still have good skin elasticity and overall health. You may be an ideal candidate if you have any combination of the following:

  • Lost a considerable amount of weight and have loose skin on your neck.
  • Excess fat in your neck.
  • Horizontal bands of skin.
  • Loose or saggy neck skin.
  • Wrinkles.

How The Surgery Works

Unlike a facelift, a neck lift surgery is typically a less invasive procedure, because it only focuses on the area below your chin and above your collarbone. Your San Jose neck lift surgery specialist will walk you through the details of your procedure ahead of time, but this is generally what you can expect:

  1. You’ll receive general anesthesia or another form of medication to help keep you comfortable during the entire process.
  2. Your surgeon will start with an incision near and around your ear and under your chin. Depending on your case, the incision around your ear may be the only one you get.
  3. Your surgeon will then remove any excess fat, trim away excess skin, reposition the tissue under your neck, and tighten the platysma muscle.
  4. To complete the procedure, your surgeon will use stitches or specific skin adhesive to close any incisions they made.

The procedure typically takes about two to three hours. The benefits will include a more defined jawline and profile, smoother and firmer skin, and a more youthful appearance overall. The results can last many years, depending on factors like your lifestyle choices, genetics, how well your recovery goes, and more.

What Will Recovery Look Like?

Neck lift recovery looks a little different for everyone, but it’s typically smooth sailing. You’ll be able to go home the same day of your procedure.

Our San Jose neck lift surgery specialist will provide you with incision care materials and other recovery instructions, which will include things like:

  • Avoiding turning your head at your neck
  • Avoiding alcohol
  • Avoiding aspirin
  • Keeping your head elevated during sleep
  • Not lifting heavy objects
  • Not applying ice to your neck

Immediately after your surgery, you’ll likely experience some swelling and bruising. You may also feel some tightness in your neck muscles. This tightness could last multiple months. We’ll also make sure you know how to get in touch with our team if you experience any complications like bleeding, fever/chills, or blood clot symptoms. Following our post-op instructions should help reduce the risk of these complications.

Need A Lift? Give Us A Call.

The results of a San Jose neck lift surgery can leave you looking and feeling more refreshed and confident. Our accommodating staff is here to provide you with the personalized service and expert care you deserve from your free initial consultation, all the way through your recovery. If you’re ready to explore your options, reach out to Dr. Kirk A. Churukian today.

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