Abdominoplasty Los Gatos, CA

If you’ve recently lost a lot of weight, either from diet and exercise or post-childbirth, or if you just can’t get a stubborn pooch to go away no matter how many crunches and planks you do, you may be an ideal candidate for abdominoplasty Los Gatos, CA. This type of surgery tightens the abdominal muscles, removes loose skin and small pockets of fat, and leaves you with a smoother, taut tummy.

Have you been dying to show off your abs at the beach? We can help you get there! Dr. Kirk A. Churukian is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in abdominoplasty with thousands of satisfied clients. He can reshape your stomach, giving you a lean, smooth silhouette and an elite, personalized experience.

Why Should I Consider An Abdominoplasty?

Diet and exercise can help you reach a healthy weight, but months of no carbs and hours at the gym cannot fix some of the damage to your abdominal muscles and skin that being overweight or pregnant can cause. Even people at a healthy weight may have stubborn pockets of fat that leave them with less confidence and reluctant to wear certain kinds of clothing or a swimsuit.

If your abdominal muscles have become separated, or you have problems with diastasis recti after pregnancy, or you are losing a significant amount of weight, abdominal surgery may be your only option to correct the issue—no amount of sit-ups can repair separated muscles. A Los Gatos abdominoplasty can address all of these issues, leaving you with more confidence, greater mobility, and greater physical abilities.

An abdominoplasty can:

  • Remove the stubborn bulges of fat at your waist and belly that diet and exercise can’t
  • Smooth and tighten stretched, loose, or sagging skin
  • Flatten the belly

Tummy tucks can also reconnect abdominal muscles that may have separated during pregnancy or with weight loss, restoring abdominal strength and toning the torso. This can make it easier for you to engage in certain activities or move without pain or discomfort.

Delivering High-Quality Results From A Certified Surgeon

Dr. Churukian works one-on-one with each patient to develop an individual treatment plan specific to their aesthetic desires. He strives for elegant results that you can be proud of and adheres to the strictest ethical standards for surgical procedures.

Ideal tummy tuck candidates are women or men close to or at their ideal body weight or who may have a few extra pounds of fat to lose. For women, it’s usually suggested to wait to have an abdominoplasty until they are done having children, as subsequent pregnancies can alter the result of the procedure. In your initial consultation, we will help you learn more about your eligibility as a tummy tuck candidate.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Are you ready to show off those abs and gain more confidence in your body? Let Dr. Kirk A. Churukian help you gain the body of your dreams with a partial or full abdominoplasty. Our offices offer a professional consultation tailored to your desired results. We carefully determine the best procedure for your goals and explain the process as well as what you can expect the results to look like. We’re committed to delivering a gorgeous, natural result. Call today to book your consultation for a Los Gatos abdominoplasty! 

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