In Office Facelift Surgery Santa Cruz, CA
For years, many people thought plastic surgery was only for the rich, and because of that, there was not a lot known about the medical specialty by the general public. However, much of that mindset has changed over the past decade or so, and it is estimated that more than two million people have some sort of cosmetic surgical procedure done each year. If you reside in California and are thinking about having a procedure done, Santa Cruz, CA plastic surgeon Dr. Kirk A. Churukian, MD, FACS is the doctor to see.
What Does An In Office Facelift Surgery Involve?
An in-office facelift surgery, also known as a mini facelift, is a minimally invasive procedure performed under local anesthesia in a comfortable office setting. The surgery involves making small incisions around the ears through which the surgeon elevates and tightens the underlying facial tissues. Excess skin is removed, and the remaining skin is repositioned to create a more youthful and natural appearance. This procedure typically focuses on the mid and lower face, effectively addressing sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles with minimal downtime compared to a traditional facelift.
The Difference Between a Plastic Surgeon and Cosmetic Surgeon
One of the biggest misconceptions that people have about plastic and cosmetic surgeons is that they mean the same thing. While both types of surgeons are able to perform cosmetic surgeries, only a plastic surgeon has extensive training to handle issues related to physical trauma, congenital abnormalities, developmental abnormalities. Cosmetic surgeons can only address aesthetic issues, whereas a plastic surgeon can address both aesthetic and functional issues.
When a patient comes to Santa Cruz plastic surgeon Dr. Churukian, they can be assured they are working with a plastic surgeon who has extensive experience in both aesthetic and functional surgeries. Dr. Churukian has more than two decades of experience and is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, as well as a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the California Society of Plastic Surgeons, and the San Jose Surgical Society.
But Can I Afford It?
Many people shy away from even looking into any kind of plastic surgery because they fear it will be too expensive. Although that may have been true at one time, today there are a number of different non-surgical procedures that can achieve similar results as actual surgery. Not only are these options less expensive than surgery, since they are non-invasive, but there is also almost no recovery time to speak off, so patients can continue going to work, social events, etc., immediately following the procedures.
Many clinics, including ours, also offer seasonal specials where patients are able to book procedures at sale prices.
Is Plastic Surgery Only for Women?
Another big change in the plastic surgery industry over the past few decades is that more and more men are taking advantage of the ability to enhance their appearance and just feel better about themselves. Both men and women come to our clinic for surgery, injectables, fillers, laser treatments, and more.
Complementary Procedures
Plastic Surgery for Men
Plastic surgery isn’t just for women, and it’s becoming increasingly common for men to turn to Dr. Kirk A. Churukian, MD, FACS, a plastic surgeon Santa Cruz, California trusts. Plastic surgery’s growing popularity across gender lines are totally understandable: After all, we all want to look our best, and if it was unusual for men to be concerned with their appearance, there wouldn’t be any gyms, either.
Men request all sorts of plastic surgery procedures. Some of the most common include eyelid, nose, or ear surgeries, as well as liposuction and facelifts. One of the more popular procedures for men is male breast reduction. Read on to learn a little more about male breast reduction, and how a plastic surgeon in Santa Cruz, CA can help.
About Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia affects countless Americans every year. It’s basically a buildup or enlargement of breast tissue, which leads to enlarged or uneven breasts. Although gynecomastia itself is benign, it could hint at a more serious underlying health issue, and it severely affects self-esteem. Those suffering from gynecomastia may feel self-conscious about removing their shirts, which leads to all sorts of awkwardness and complications when at the pool, beach, and anywhere else.
Gynecomastia has several root causes. Because it is oftentimes caused by a hormonal imbalance between estrogen and testosterone, it’s not uncommon for gynecomastia to make an appearance during puberty. However, in these cases gynecomastia typically resolves by itself, taking between six months and two years for breasts to return to their normal shape.
Some medications can also cause gynecomastia. Antidepressants, chemotherapy, steroids – even cannabis and heroin have been known to cause that embarrassing buildup of breast tissue. And unfortunately for adults with gynecomastia, it doesn’t always resolve itself.
Breast Reduction Surgery
Fortunately, there’s a way out. If you’ve been struggling with gynecomastia, it might be time to seek medical treatment for your condition. It’s important to talk to your primary care physician to better understand whether your gynecomastia is caused by an underlying condition or health issue (such as obesity), and it’s important to get in touch with a plastic surgeon you can trust if you decide it’s time to undergo breast reduction surgery.
Sometimes, improving your gynecomastia is as simple as stopping the use of certain drugs or switching to an alternate prescription. In other cases, a change to lifestyle is all it takes. But if your gynecomastia is stubborn and seriously impacting your life, it’s time to make a change for the better with the help of a qualified plastic surgeon.
Breast reduction surgery for men is a delicate procedure, and while the operation itself is relatively quick, you’ll most likely face a few weeks of downtime while you recover. For many men, it’s worth the wait for renewed confidence and a worry-free experience whenever they have to go shirts-off.
Dr. Kirk A. Churukian, MD, FACS is standing by. Get in touch today, and see how a plastic surgeon in Santa Cruz, CA can help you with your breast reduction surgery.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Plastic Surgery
There are many people who have gotten some sort of plastic surgery in their lifetime, whether to correct a birth defect or some physical abnormality, or to remove excess skin after weight loss or for a simple facelift or breast augmentation. If you are thinking of getting plastic surgery, there are some do’s and don’ts for you to consider.
Do Seek Professional Help
The number one thing you should do if you’re thinking about undergoing plastic surgery is to find a licensed plastic surgeon in Santa Cruz, CA, for your needs. Speaking with a professional such as Kirk A. Churukian MD, is crucial as you figure out what you want to get done.
Don’t Have Unrealistic Expectations
If you are considering having plastic surgery done for the purpose of enhancing your physical appearance, make sure you don’t have unrealistic expectations of what that should look like. Though you might draw inspiration from your favorite celebrity or someone else, remember that you can’t end up looking exactly like your favorite celebrity and that you’re undergoing a procedure to improve your own appearance and enhance your own features.
Do Go Over Your Medical History
Before you undergo any sort of plastic surgery, you need to let your plastic surgeon in Santa Cruz CA, know your complete medical history as well as inform them of any medications that you may be taking so they can ensure that everything goes smoothly.
Don’t Rush Your Recovery
After the procedure, it is very important to take a good amount of time to rest and recover. Don’t expect to be back to normal within the first day, but, instead, give your body time to heal. Make sure you discuss the best recovery plan with Kirk A. Churukian MD, during your consultation.
Do Eat Healthy
Before your surgery, you should maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. You should also not smoke or drink too much alcohol in the weeks prior to the procedure.
Don’t Worry About Pricing
Plastic surgery comes with a price, so you should mention any concerns you may have about the cost during your consultation with your plastic surgeon in Santa Cruz, CA, and they can help with providing cost-effective options and deals.
Plastic surgery is a big step for you to take, and there are many things to think about before committing to the procedure. With the guidance and expertise of a professional such as Kirk A. Churukian MD, your mind can be eased in knowing that you are in good hands.
Things to Do Before Undergoing Plastic Surgery
First, increase your physical activity two or three weeks before your plastic surgery date. Many patients discover that walking and swimming are two of the best forms of physical exercise that can help get their bodies ready for plastic surgery.
Physical activity can improve your cardiovascular system and promote healthy blood flow. The beneficial effects associated with increased physical activity will reduce the likelihood that you will suffer complications after your surgical procedure.
Second, drink six to eight glasses of water a day before you undergo surgery. Adequate hydration will improve your skin and promote optimum healing after your surgery. If you are dehydrated before your surgery you will risk organ damage and other complications that may arise when your surgery concludes.
One effective way of achieving this goal is carrying a portable water bottle with you when you are working and running errands outside of your home. Getting into the habit of drinking six to eight glasses of water every day will improve your health over many years.
Third, you must complete a physical medical exam before your surgery date. The medical exam should be performed by your primary care physician. This physician should declare that you are healthy enough to undergo plastic surgery. If your primary care physician states that you are not healthy enough to undergo plastic surgery you will have to make lifestyle changes and improve your health until you can obtain medical clearance.
Fourth, you should stop smoking if you are a tobacco user. Before you undergo any form of plastic surgery you must quit smoking at least two weeks before your surgery date. Complications may arise if you undergo plastic surgery while actively smoking.
Smoking reduces blood flow and interferes with the proper functioning of your circulatory system. If you do not quit smoking before your scheduled surgery you put yourself at greater risk of suffering a stroke or cardiac arrest during your surgical procedure.
You should also abstain from any alcohol use for at least seventy-two hours before your scheduled procedure. Alcohol can affect your immune system and this may cause complications after your surgery.
Also, avoid consuming any aspirin or products containing aspirin at least two weeks before your surgery date. Aspirin thins your blood and increases the risk that you will suffer excessive bleeding during your surgical procedure. If you are prescribed aspirin you should consult your primary care physician for alternatives that you can use during the two weeks leading up to your plastic surgery.
Lastly, you need to arrange for someone to help transport you to and from the hospital. Also, you need someone to help you recuperate from plastic surgery. Prepare the books, movies, medications, and mobile devices you will need as you recuperate from your surgery. You can tell your friend or family member where these items are so they can locate them when they bring you home after your procedure.
Friends and relatives can help you heal from your surgery. Your activity will be limited for a short time and you will need to rely on friends and relatives. It is also a good idea to prepare meals in advance and place them in the freezer before you undergo plastic surgery.
Contact Kirk A. Churukian, MD Today To Schedule A Consultation
Contact Kirk A. Churukian, MD today to learn more about our In Office Facelift Surgery Santa Cruz, CA residents rely on. Call the office at 408-358-7000 to learn more about the services we offer. You deserve to look and feel your best today. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about the transformative power of plastic surgery.