In Office Facelift Surgery Saratoga, CA

In Office Facelift Surgery Saratoga, CA

In Office Facelift Surgery Saratoga, CA- woman in surgeryAs you get older, you may start to looking for an In Office Facelift Surgery Saratoga, CA residents rely on as an option for feeling more youthful. As a doctor from the office of
Dr. Kirk A. Churukian, MD, FACS understands, choosing to take the steps toward getting a facelift is not simple. You may be wondering if there are other treatment options that are right for you, if getting a facelift is vain, or if getting a facelift is even safe. The truth is, this will all depend. Factors that come into play when getting a facelift are your age, your overall health, what kind of changes you are hoping to make, and the doctor who will be working on you. Give our office a call if you want to learn more about whether a facelift is right for you. 

How do I know if a facelift is a good decision?

A facelift will not be right for every person who wants to tweak their appearance. Your doctor will want to bring you in for a consultation to evaluate you and learn more about your reasoning for wanting a facelift. If you do not feel absolutely confident in your decision to get a facelift, this may not be the right move for you right now. 

Can I prepare for my facelift?

When you want to go through facelift surgery in Saratoga, California, there are a few ways you can prepare yourself. Your doctor will want to know what kinds of medications you are on and may ask that you stop taking those medications for days or weeks leading up to your facelift. It is important to discuss any medications you are taking, including herbal supplements and vitamins. You should also speak with your doctor beforehand regarding what they may want you to eat or drink prior to your surgery. 

Will I need to take time off of work?

When you get a facelift, you can expect bruising and swelling. It is best to take a few weeks off of work if you work a desk job. If you have more physical and strenuous work, you may need more time off to make sure that your body is able to heal after surgery. 

Will my face look stretched?

Many people look up the results of celebrities and those who have undergone facelifts and are shocked at how stretched their faces end up looking. When you work with a skilled doctor, you should expect natural-looking results that do not make it look like the skin on your face has simply been pulled back. Speak with your doctor about any concerns you may have so that they can address them and reassure you. 

5 Common Facelift Procedures

There are five types of facelift procedures commonly used for facial rejuvenation. If you are interested in face lift surgery in Saratoga, CA, you can learn about your options as you search for a reputable cosmetic surgeon.

1. Standard or Traditional Facelift

Most consumers are familiar with the standard facelift, which has rejuvenated sagging skin for decades. The techniques used for this procedure are updated and optimized to meet industry standards – today’s facelifts are safer, more effective and more natural-looking than the facelifts of the past.

Kirk A. Churukian MD recommends standard facelifts for individuals experiencing moderate to advanced aging in the mid-face and neck. These clients are usually in their 50s or 60s. Standard facelifts involve:

  • More extensive surgery
  • More recovery time
  • Changes are pronounced
  • Incisions are made behind the hairline near the temples and around the front of the ear
  • Deep tissues are moved
  • Excess skin is removed to smooth creases
  • Jowling and sagging is eliminated
  • Jaw and neck will look more youthful

2. Mini Facelift

A mini facelift is for individuals with mild jowling and sagging skin. Mini face lift surgery in Saratoga, CA, may be ideal for someone exhibiting early signs of aging in their 30s and 40s. This procedure:

  • Is less invasive
  • Uses shorter incisions along the hairline above the ear or in the creases around the ear
  • Lifts and tightens tissues surrounding the cheeks
  • Refines the jawline to refresh the face

3. Mid Facelift

This surgery targets the middle of the face, namely the eyes and cheeks. A mid facelift doesn’t address all aspects of aging skin, but it may be a preventive procedure for patients in their 30s and 40s. Mid face lift surgery in Saratoga, CA requires:

  • Deeper incisions
  • Possible use of implants or fat grafting to enhance cheekbones

4. Lower Facelift

As the name implies, a lower facelift targets the lower third of the face. It can enhance the jawline for all age groups. A lower facelift may involve:

  • Eliminating the jowls and deep nasolabial folds
  • Lifting sagging corners of the mouth

5. Thread Facelift

Also known as a “lunchtime lift”, a thread facelift is quicker and less invasive than other cosmetic surgical procedures. Ideal candidates are in their 30s and 40s and only need minor changes. When Kirk A. Churukian MD performs a thread facelift, you can expect:

  • Tiny stitches just below the skin that lift the muscles underneath
  • Procedures lasting one to two hours
  • No anesthesia is needed 

What Exactly Is A Facelift?

A facelift is medically known as a rhytidectomy. This facial surgery reverses many of the most typical signs of aging that appear on the human face. Loose skin, lax muscles, fine lines, and deep wrinkles may arise due to sun burns, years of smoking, and gravity. Dr. Kirk A. Churukian can perform this procedure and rejuvenate your self-image. The appearance of the skin is smoothed and the underlying muscles are tightened so the face appears youthful. 

Am I A Good Candidate For A Facelift Procedure? 

Many people interested in obtaining a facelift have similar concerns. These cosmetic interests include wrinkles and excessive fatty tissue in the neck. Individuals interested in a facelift also report wrinkles in the cheeks, absence of a defined jawline, and sagging facial skin. 

The best candidates for facelift procedures are men or women who have strong skin elasticity and noticeable facial bone structure. Schedule a consultation today to determine if you are a good candidate for a facelift procedure. 

What Is Facelift Recovery? 

Major surgeries cause bruising, soreness, and swelling. These symptoms usually occur immediately after the facelift procedure. Oral pain medication is used to treat the discomfort and pain experienced by the recovering patient during this time. If fluid collects at the incision site a drainage tube can be used to collect this fluid and prevent the incision from becoming infected. During the follow-up appointment one week after the appointment patients will know if the healing process is resolving. Surgical stitches will likely be removed during this appointment. The majority of patients return to normal activities in one to two weeks after this follow-up appointment. Patients will continue to heal after this period and should avoid all forms of exercise. 

What Will Be The Total Cost Of My Facelift Procedure? 

The facelift procedure will be customized and unique to each patient. Therefore the price will be based on the specific features and requirements of the patient. The amount of excessive skin on the patient will be one factor influencing the cost of the procedure. Also, other surgical procedures may be added to the facelift plan and this will affect the total cost. 

Facelifts may range from $10,000 to $20,000 but the skill of the surgeon and the specific needs of the patient may dictate a higher price. More than one operation may need to be performed on the face to achieve the desired result. At your initial consultation you should receive a personalized price summary that will help you understand the total cost of your facelift. If you need help with financing we can also discuss plastic surgery financing during the initial consultation. 


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